Main Section Gruxit in October or January?

Gruxit in October or January?

The elections will be early and in April 2016. It remains only to agree when and with what justification will the Prime Minister withdraw, i.e. the name of the government and Gruevski’s “exit”.

Will it be from September to October or from January to February? How long will the “transition period”, as it was called by EU Commissioner Johannes Hahn, last?

– Gruevski is mistaken if he thinks that SDSM will allow him to lead a government that will organize any election in the country, including those mentioned in the agreement of 2nd of June, which are agreed for April 2016- said Petre Shilegov yesterday.

– In April 2016, through the strongest support that it will give to VMRO-DPMNE ever, the people will explain these loafers and speculants… – said Prime Minister Gruevski yesterday as well.

Even during the 12-hour negotiations in Brussels, speculation that there is a draft amendment of the electoral code – three to six months ahead of elections, president of a political party cannot carry out the function president of the government – came out.

It indicates that period of conditional withdrawal from the function prime minister will be further negotiated, and that the Government needs three, while the opposition needs six months.

In yesterday’s interview with “Revolucioner”, SDSM leader Zoran Zaev stated that Nikola Gruevski must withdraw at least six months before the elections.

– Otherwise, everything else is invalid and we will continue with enhanced outer institutional action until the realization of the ultimate goal, the return of freedom and democracy in Macedonia – said Zaev.

“Dnevnik”, however, writes that the elections will be organized by this government and no other.

The support of this thesis comes from the statement of the Prime Minister given during the celebration of 25 years of VMRO-DPMNE.

In April 2016, through the strongest support that it gave VMRO-DPMNE ever, the people will explain these loafers, speculants, that nowadays not it only doesn’t succumb to the intrigues and manipulations behind which, to a large extent, proudly stand actors of the nineties and of the transition, broken and corrupt ex-ministers and directors, but also severely punishes such attempts, charging, told in the economy vocabulary, penalty interest for all unrest and the damage that these people, because of their personal interests and careers, caused to the entire nation and the state. Our political opponents will finally and definitely learn this lesson in April 2016, and their writers will have to accept that there are people here, two million people who think with their own head and in the future will have to have much more respect for them – Gruevski said on Saturday.

However, Gruevski, intentionally or not, in the whole long speech never once mentioned which government would organize elections or will fit into the term “transition period”.

Meanwhile, the Belgian expert Peter Vanhoute, who was also a mediator during the agreement for the events of 24th of December 2012, will hold meetings with party leaders in the following days in an attempt to overcome and hammer out differences before the meeting on 29th of June. Under the agreement of 2 June, until the end of July will have to review and modify the composition of the State Election Commission, and by the end of September to give increased authorizations to it to ensure free and fair elections, and the same level for all parties.