Gruevski: We invited you to discus, not to delay

The debate on the Law on higher education began in the Assembly, but the professors from “Professorial plenum” and members of “Student plenum” were not a part of it.

Earlier, at the request of the professors, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski has changed the location of the debate from the hotel “Aleksandar Palace” to the Assembly.

Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski said he hopes that the debate on the Law on higher education that is still ongoing would have constructive comments and suggestions and that the Government and the Ministry of Education and Science are completely open to hear any comments.

– Rest assured that we will accept everything that is arguable. We aim to have a quality law, more knowledgeable students and successful professors. These amendments include two things and both are aimed at increasing the knowledge. One in the direction of increasing the knowledge of students by introducing state exam, and the second in the direction of increasing the scientific and overall work of professors through the introduction of minimum standards for the publication of scientific papers, but in relevant scientific journals – said Gruevski.

He added that he knew that the majority of professors will not agree to these changes because in the short term it disrupts the commodity and their habits will be changed.

Rector of St. Cyril and Methodius University, Velimir Stojkovski, said that University’s position is that it would be better if a possibility to provide a longer period for a bigger debate to be found and proposed a new Law on higher education to be adopted.

– This amendment is the 15th in six years and maybe it should be considered that it is time a new law on higher education to be adopted, which would include all previous amendments and for which a longer time for debate would be given. The mission of all of us is the same, to create a quality student and quality education, and it requires a comprehensive and thorough debate. Everything done in the higher education system will backfire in one or another field. We support all changes that are aimed at improving the quality, but we request a longer period for debate since we have 130 pages of notes – said Stojkovski.

To this, Prime Minister Gruevski replied that it is not serious to request a delay because the debate lasts since October.

– The debate lasts from October, we consciously announced our plan in October and then the minister sent a letter with the planned changes. I don’t know whether there was a longer debate for another law. Perhaps the Law on media and this law had the longest debates since the independence of the Republic of Macedonia. We constantly have a debate. The public address of professors, students, ministers, deputy ministers, rectors in the media is also a debate. We have carefully written everything said as an argument, not an insult or empty criticism. And we have an answer for everything. Some things are acceptable, some are partly acceptable and we have arguments why something is partially or not acceptable. We invited you today to debate with arguments, not to agree to delay. After so many months of debate, to come and request for a delay is not serious – said Gruevski.