Tags Nikola Gruevski

Tag: Nikola Gruevski

Trajchevski: I don’t plan to resign on request of a political party

The Director of the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual services (AAAS), Zoran Trajcevski has denied the accusations by VMRO-DPMNE's party leader, Nikola Gruevski and has rejected the demands for his resignation. -The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual services is working in accordance with the laws and there isn't any kind of pressure on the media. I don't plan to...

Criminal Court has asked for more time in order for the judges to decide upon SPO’s custody requests

The Criminal Court Skopje has announced that it cannot tell how long the procedure will take, when will it end and when will the decisions be announced regarding the requests filed by the Special Public Prosecution for taking into custody and measures of caution against persons against whom charges were filed against yesterday. The Court has announced that due...

Various vehicles have blocked the boulevard in front of the court as the protest against SPO’s charges continues

Several citizens with their vehicles have blocked the Goce Delcev Boulevard in front of the Criminal Court in Skopje as a protest against the charges that were filed by the Special Public Prosecution. At the court were also filed requests for putting high-ranking VMRO-DPMNE officials into custody, including several ministers, among which is the party leader and former Prime...

Mančevski: We don’t have anything further to say to Hahn that he doesn’t already know

The consultations between SDSM and the other political parties that gave their signatures in order Zoran Zaev to be the new mandatary, are still underway, and tomorrow, mostly by Tuesday, the proposal for a new president at the Parliament will be known, said the vice president of SDSM, Damjan Mančevski, for Television 24. -I believe that by the start of...

Gruevski: VMRO-DPMNE will not agree to prolonging SPO’s mandate

In today’s interview in the daily newspaper “Dnevnik” , the leader of VMRO-DPMNE, Nikola Gruevski, spoke at length about the mandate, the work and the future of the Special Prosecutor’s Office (SPO). He undoubtedly says that VMRO-DPMNE will not agree to prolonging the deadline for SPO, “that even from afar it can be seen that prosecution is working under...

Zaev called upon the citizens to remain calm and not to fall for provocations

Let’s not allow any provocations by anyone including the one who was constantly ruining Macedonia for 10 years. His time is over, said SDSM’s leader, Zoran Zaev on his Facebook profile. “The institutions have to perform their obligations in accordance with the Constitution and the law. It doesn’t depend on SEC and the Administrative court whether someone will form a...

Anti Corruption Platform demand: SPCP should publish Gruevski’s questionnaire form

The NGO's Platform for the combating of corruption has publicly called upon the State Commission for the Prevention of Corruption (SCPC), or as it is better known in Macedonia as the (DKSK), to respect the law on which it was formed, that being its basic duty and care to protect all that it is in the public interest. There has...

Gruevski was shocked over the discovery of the forged ID cards

Criminals are directly connected and in communication with the top brass of the main opposition party, said Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski on the news on TV "Sitel", adding that he was shocked by what the prosecution had discovered about the affair over the forged identity cards. “This is an audacious crime. We are not fighting with someone who is struggling...

Gruevski: It’s the people who decide for the Country

"No one can escape the people because it is those exact people who decide for this country. We believe in people”, said the Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski after the leaders' meeting in the MPs Clubhouse. "We believe in the people making the decisions, we believe that they can make the right choice and as soon as possible to hold elections so...

Gruevski: It is in our best interest to come to an arrangement quickly over the special prosecutor

"It is in our best interest to come to an arrangement quickly regarding the special prosecutor. We need to remove this fog SDSM have created causing uncertainty and questions of whether it'll be like this or that. They are doing so with the aim to encourage their own membership which has become far from motivating, and rightfully", stated the...

Shekerinska: The Prosecutor’s Report is missing one name- that of Nikola Gruevski

The Report that came from the Prosecutor makes it obvious that they never intended to investigate the criminal acts in an honest and independent manner, said Radmila Shekerinska, the Deputy President of SDSM, responding to a question from the media. -In the Report you can see lots of names, people with whom they talked to, people whose criminal...

Crisis to be resolved: How to passivize Gruevski before the elections?

It is likely that the political crisis is to be resolved very soon, because the positions of the two major political parties - VMRO-DPMNE and SDSM – are getting closer, learns META from sources in the negotiating teams. According to our information the major differences are ironed out, except whether the Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski will be "passive" amid electoral...

Gruevski at the Economic Forum in Tirana

The Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, along with the Foreign Affairs Minister Nikola Popovski, will participate in the session of the Vienna Economic Forum, held in Tirana. The topic of the current Vienna Economic Forum is "From Berlin to Vienna - the return of geopolitical security of the Western Balkans". Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski will address the forum in which he...

Груевски во Рим привлекува италијански инвестиции

Премиерот Никола Груевски и министерот за привлекување странски инвестиции, Џери Наумоф, оствариле средба со италијански бизнисмени во Рим. Ним им биле презентирани можностите за инвестирање во Македонија. На средбата присуствувале сопственици и менаџери на компании од повеќе сектори, како автомобилската, електронската, текстилната и дрвната индустрија, но и од енергетскиот сектор. - Дел од нив веќе беа запознаени со условите за инвестирање...

Gruevski and Bogov warn of “anxiety” among investors and the companies

At yesterday’s gathering "Macedonia strong," Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski said that although there have been no serious damage to the economy, the psychological condition after the terrorist attack, as well as Zaev’s statements that "there will be blood" began to cause problems to the Macedonian economy, especially in part of export. - Foreign investors, as well as domestic, are anxious,...

SDSM: Passing amendments the in middle of the night is a proof of the dishonest intentions of the Government

Introduction of the so-called state exam and the controversial amendments to the Law on higher education, without taking into account the views of students, the academic community and the general public, is a classic social violence of the Government of Nikola Gruevski, announced SDSM in the reaction regarding adoption of the package of laws for primary and higher education...

PASOK warns Samaras not sound like Golden Dawn

PASOK has warned Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras for the views similar to Golden Dawn on the immigration policies of New Democracy. During yesterday’s visit to Evros, a place which is on the border with Turkey and where most immigrants are entering Greece by water, on account of what, stronger electric fence was placed two years ago, Samaras showed...

Gruevski: We invited you to discus, not to delay

The debate on the Law on higher education began in the Assembly, but the professors from “Professorial plenum” and members of “Student plenum” were not a part of it. Earlier, at the request of the professors, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski has changed the location of the debate from the hotel “Aleksandar Palace” to the Assembly. Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski said he...

Protests didn’t change Government’s mind

  Legislative amendments which project paymentof contributions for pension and health insurance by the freelancers will be enforced from 1st of January. During today’s visit of Shtip, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski said that the Government remains committed to the legal amendments to force employers to hire freelancers. Gruevski once again repeat the well-known opinion that freelancers, who thus will be taken...