Gruevski: There will be a serious reaction if SDSM attempts to violate the Rules and Regulations

VMRO-DPMNE will respond severely and appropriately if SDSM attempt to violate the Rules and Regulations of Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia to appoint a Parliament Speaker, and the public will not take this sitting down, said today the leader of VMRO-DPMNE, Nikola Gruevski.

“If SDSM decides to enter a scenario which is unjust, illegal, undemocratic and takes an unruly approach in Parliament, they should know that VMRO-DPMNE will react sharply, and they should expect a serious reaction from the people of Macedonia, especially after what we have seen in recent days. It would be a huge mistake by SDSM to disrupt the democracy and stability of the country”, Gruevski told reporters while visiting the new sports facility for children without parents “October 11th” in Skopje.

The leader of VMRO-DPMNE added that the public are aware, they know what is happening and have seen the obligations Zaev and SDSM have adopted, and that is why the people are protesting on a daily basis for 40 days.

“I warn Zoran Zaev not to play with the democracy in Macedonia and the general public, because this country is not his, it belongs to the people. He cannot make deals behind the people’s back , or arrange scenarios and platforms from foreign countries after the elections, especially after he spent the electoral period lying to the people that he would not accept a binational state, cantonization….. Once he lied to the people, telling them that it was all in my head and that I was the one making this all up during the electoral campaign, two weeks after the elections, Zaev came out and began to reveal things he had negotiated and for who he assumed these obligations”, said Gruevski, emphasizing that Zaev should not expect the people and VMRO-DPMNE to take this sitting down.