Gruevski and Tsipras discussed name dispute in New York

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras had a brief meeting with his Macedonian counterpart Nikola Gruevski in New York over the long disputed name issue. Greek newspaper “Real”, indicated that the two Prime Ministers had a discussion during a reception hosted by US President Barack Obama in honour of world leaders participating in the General Assembly of the United Nations.

Tsipras during the meeting asked the the Macedonian Prime Minister to make a move and steps to resolve the name dispute.
This blitz meeting in New York is also the first meeting between Mr Gruevski and Mr Tsipras, although his foreign minister, Nikos Kotzias this year had several meetings with Minister for Foreign Affairs Nikola Popovski and broke the ice with a visit to Skopje this summer. Macedonia and Greece are in talks to implement confidence-building measures to improve relations and cooperation.
Parallel to the meeting, the Greek media displayed dissatisfaction with the fact that Macedonia was allowed to participate under its constitutional name at the meeting against violent extremists, the Islamic State (ID) within the General Assembly. US, organizers of the meeting, according to diplomatic sources from the newspaper “To Vima”, refused to accept the Greek request that Macedonia should be written and introduced as FYROM at today’s meeting.