Correspondents The neck of the Croatian President decorated with three Ohrid pearls

The neck of the Croatian President decorated with three Ohrid pearls

The neck of Mrs Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovik, the newly elected Croatian President, is decorated not by one, but three Ohrid pearls –famous master for manufacture of Ohrid pearls Kliment Talev stated for Ohrid “Super Radio”.

She received one as a gift, while she bought the other two, says Talev and adds that Grabar-Kitarovik is his friend today thanks to the pearls.

– That woman exudes an indescribably beautiful and great charisma. I personally know her and we are good friends. I am waiting for her to official take the presidential seat in order to give her a call and congratulate her for her new post, and then I will go to Zagreb on that occasion – explains Talev.

Among the range of famous names that visited his famous shop in Old Ohrid Bazaar are lords, queens, princesses, mayors and others. Pearls of Talevci had Princess Diana, Queen Elizabeth II, Princess of Kuwait, Queen of Saudi Arabia and many others.

– Thanks to pearls, I got a huge number of friends, acquaintances and people recognized worldwide. I have friends from London who are lords, mayors and others. Here, in the picture above me, is the mayor of the Bulgarian Municipality of Kremikovci Ivaylo Panev. You do not know the close friendship that developed between the two of us. But, I said to him: “If you are a nationalist and treat me as a Bulgarian, our friendship ends here. Either you will respect me as a Macedonian, and I you as a Bulgarian and friendship will be great, or none of it”. So it remained – said the master of the original pearl Kliment Talev in his interview.

In addition to his family, Ohrid has another family – Filevi, claiming that manufactures genuine Ohrid pearl. They, in turn, decorated the neck of former Croatian Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor with the Ohrid pearl.