Greek website “Valkaniko Periscopo” which published various types of news from the Balkans region including the USA, the Near East, Russia, Armenia and even from Libia, two days after the first Pride Parade in Skopje occurred, has published a news that refers to a Macedonian website that states even 200.000 people in Macedonia are homosexuals.
The number stated by this online Greek medium including the previously mentioned Macedonian website is really enormous – as it represents twice the population from the municipality of Kumanovo, according to the last census from 2002 i.e. every tenth citizen in this country (as stated by the Macedonian media) is oriented towards their own sex.
While we were trying to check the poll that various media have called upon in the last two days we managed to find several at the news aggregate Daily which contained quotes from contents of news dated from 24th of November 2010. It can be seen that the poll was carried out by a civil organization Horizon and that it was implemented via the Internet and that 12.000 examinees took part in.
All of this causes an enormous doubt about the correctness of the data since the online polls are never taken seriously by any expert for various reasons – most of the people that participate are those that in a way more seriously connected to the poll’s subject and most importantly: at the online polls one person can provide answers several times.
Unlike online polls, the agencies for researching public opinion are carrying out polls using a special method and are always creating a statistical representative specimen.