Government of North Macedonia lifts COVID-19 restrictions at borders

Фото: Сашо Спасоски

The government of North Macedonia at yesterday’s session accepted the recommendations of the Infectious Diseases Commission and the proposal of the Main Coordination Headquarters, and lifted the obligation for the Macedonian nationals and foreign visitors entering the country to present COVID-19 certificates at border crossings, informs government’s Press Service.

Entry into the country so far was allowed only to the citizens who have a certificate of vaccination, or a certificate for recovery from COVID-19 in the last 180 days, a medical certificate for a negative PCR test made 72 hours before entering North Macedonia or a negative fast antigen test made 48 hours before entering the country.

At yesterday’s session, the government also decided to annul the obligation of home isolation/quarantine for a period of seven days for persons who, upon entering the country, have not submitted one of the obligatory certificates.