MKD Government launches open data portal

Government launches open data portal

The Ministry of Information Society and Administration today launched a new national open data portal where 111 data sets have been published, from 42 institutions, all part of the public administration reform.

According to the Minister of Information Society Damjan Mancevski, some of the data available on the portal have been published for the first time; some have already been published, but are now available all in one place. It is also systematized in a format that is easy to understand, but leaves room for further analysis and additionally usage.

“What we want to achieve by opening this portal is to improve the delivery of services and efficiency in the public sector. It also allows for citizens to have increased participation in policy making, but also in analyzing the results of what we do. We are committed as a ministry to bring services to the public and it’s much easier than physically bringing them to the institutions. This is just one of the mechanisms we can do,” says Mancevski.

According to the Minister without Portfolio, responsible for communication, accountability and transparency, Robert Popovski, the web-site should enable greater involvement in the building of the country’s policies, help in the fight against corruption, and provide new opportunities in the business sector …

With the data now available, the system can work better, says UK Ambassador Rachel Galloway, speaking of the British example.

“The portal we are promoting today should increase and facilitate access to information to citizens, and at the same time involve and engage them to contribute to the way of policy development,” said the ambassador.