Ctrl - Z Gee Force Now service offers free gaming on maximum graphics and without...

Gee Force Now service offers free gaming on maximum graphics and without installing the games

Photo by Fredrick Tendong on Unsplash

Gee Force Now (GFN) is a service that recently stepped on the gaming scene. It enables all passionate gamers to play games over the internet from powerful computers with streaming on the screen. The games are played without you losing hard drive space on the computer, so you don’t need to install them and you can play them on maximum graphics.

All interested gamers can create a free account and play the games available on the Steam and Epic Games platforms. Epic Games give out one or two free games a week to their users.

For the Free accounts, there’s a limit of 1 hour per session and you have to wait in sometimes long queues for the online games, while the single player games are started instantly and you can restart the 1 hour sessions multiple times in the day.

The second option is to pay a subscription for the service of about 10 dollars a month or 25 dollars for 6 months on promotions, which puts in the games instantly without waiting and the sessions will last longer, even to 6 hours per session.

This service is dedicated to users of older computers that like to play the newest games and that is perfectly adapted to the standard of Macedonian gamers.