Economy Тhe return of 15% of the VAT to the citizens begins on...

Тhe return of 15% of the VAT to the citizens begins on July 1

The return of 15% of the value added tax (VAT) to the citizens is expected to start on July 1, informed Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, Finance Minister Dragan Tevdovski and the Director of the Public Revenue Office(PRO), Sanja Lukarevska, at a press conference today.

The possibility of receiving back part of the VAT paid will be available to all citizens who are over 15 years of age, who are registered or will register in the PRO system and from July 1, those who will take the responsibility to regularly take their fiscal receipts from points of sale, and then scan through the mobile phone.

“If all our expectations are met and citizens request bills, then around 50 million euros will be returned a year. The maximum amount for a refund for one person will be 1,800 denars for three months. Ninety-eight% of households will be able to have a VAT refund of their total consumption, while for those richest, there will be a 2% limit”, said Minister of Finance Dragan Tevdovski and added that this benefit will be provided to all citizens.

He added that for the sake of equality, to avoid the refund going mainly to the wealthiest citizens, limits have been put in place to prevent the refund going to those with accounts over 30,000 denars.