MKD From 6th to 12th of July 1.017 treated patients recovered, 40% more...

From 6th to 12th of July 1.017 treated patients recovered, 40% more than the week before

Персоналот на Клиниката за инфективни болести и фебрилни состојби | Фото: Арбнора Мемети

A significant increase of the number of patients who recovered from COVID-19 and a drop of the number of deaths in comparison to the previous week. This insight comes from the weekly report of the Institute for Public Health of North Macedonia, published today, which covers the period from 6t fo 12th of July 2020.

As the Ministry of Health says, in this period of time there was a record number of recoveries – 1 071 patients, who were previously hospitalized or treated at home. It is 404 patients, or 40%, less than in the previous reporting week (29th June – 5th July).

In the above mentioned period, a total of 9 995 tests were conducted – 1 573 more than in the period from 29 June to 5 July – and 1 073 COVID-19 cases were registered, which is about 156 cases more than the previous week. In comparison, the percentage of positive results to the tests is slightly reduced, 10.7% of the total were positive in the period 6-12 July, compared to 10.9% in the previous week.

In the past four weeks, the percentage of positive cases tested for on a weekly level has dropped, informs the Ministry of Health.

The biggest part of the newly diagnosed cases is in the category of 60 years of age or older (22.8%), while the age group of 30 and 39 years comes second with 20.1%, followed by the 50 to 59 years of age group (19.3%) and then the age group of 40-49 years (18.8 %).

The epidemiological data shows that 52.6 percent of the new cases had contact with people diagnosed with COVID-19, and 22 people travelled abroad in the last fortnight.

In the period between 6th and 12th of July, 36 deaths were registered, which is 10% less than in the week before.