MKD For the Roma People in Macedonia Justice Equals Science Fiction

For the Roma People in Macedonia Justice Equals Science Fiction

From now on, the injustice and the violation of the basic human rights of the Roma population in Macedonia can be reported on the web-platform “Romamap” that was promoted today by the Helsinki Committee for human rights. The project is financed by the Embassy of Germany, and several other  NGOs that are working on solving the problems that the Roma people are facing with.

-It is a defeating fact that after so many years, the Roma people in Macedonia are facing with the violation of their fundamental rights – said the executive manager of the Helsinki Committee, Uranija Pirovska and she also said that there are still cases where the Roma people cannot secure a registry evidence, they cannot legalize its own homes and they don’t have an appropriate medical safety.

Pirovska accused the competent state institutions that they lack political will to improve the condition of the Roma people and that the effort of the NGO’s is futile because of lack of action on part of the competent institutions.

-For the Roma people in Macedonia, justice equals science fiction. Cases of injustice towards the Roma people that were reported to the media are still without a court verdict even though they last for several years – said Nesime Selioska of NGO “Roma SOS”

At the end, an activist complained because during the whole presentation she couldn’t have addressed the people in her native Roma tongue and the platform is not available in Roma language.