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Environmentalists request revision of the law and protection of Shar Mountain from new mini hydro power plants

Фото:Petrovnik / CC BY-SA

Civil society organizations are urging the Ministry of Environment of North Macedonia to revise the Law for declaring Shar Mountain a national park since, as they state, the proposed draft law doesn’t offer protection from the negative influence of the mini hydro power plants.

Environmentalists from 44 associations and initiatives, with a joint stance, have requested from Minister Naser Nuredini, in the meantime, while the administrative procedures are underway, to put Shar Mountain under temporary protections in order to prevent any further destruction of nature and the living environment.

“If these plans are set into motion, the future national park will have at least 40 mini hydro power plants. Taking into account that on basis of this law a Plan for managing the national park has to be penned (which is usually produced for a period of 10 years), the Law for declaring a part of Shar Mountain a national park instead of long-term protection, will provide a legal framework for long-term destruction. With the intention to prevent the adoption of a law that will leave the door open for the continuation of the destruction of Shar Mountain, 44 civil society associations and initiatives have joined their forces and we send our joint comments to the Ministry for Environment which is legally obliged to take these into account.” says organizations’ press release.