MKD EC expects results from political leaders

EC expects results from political leaders

Maya Kocijanchik, spokeswoman for the European Commission, today said she expects concrete results from party leaders in Macedonia.

– We welcome the resumption of talks between political leaders in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, including the implementation of the recommendations put on the table by the European Commission and that are part of the agreement of 2nd of June. We look forward to concrete results from these talks soon. You know that the Commissioner has expressed his readiness to facilitate and it still remains the case. Negotiations have taken place in the presence of the European ambassador. For now, the meeting with Commissioner Hahn is not confirmed – said Kocijanchik.

She said that, in the process of relief, members of the European Parliament from different political groups also played an important role.

– If I have to generalize, the EU made its position clear. Not only the Commissioner, but foreign ministers also assessed the situation, and they, of course, come from very different political backgrounds. This is the question we need to look at from a broader perspective, which is that the country has a clear European perspective, there are things to be done, this is a political crisis is ongoing, the crisis should be resolved, this is the message that came from many sides in this situation and it is important the work here to continue – said Kocijanchik.