MKD DU: It is logical and legitimate for SDSM to receive the mandate...

DU: It is logical and legitimate for SDSM to receive the mandate to constitute a new government

After VMRO-DPMNE failed to secure a parliamentary majority for the election of government, it is quite logical and legitimate for SDSM to receive the mandate to constitute a new government, said the the Democratic Union in a statement.

“Despite suggestions by experts and constitutional solutions, instead of the mandate going to the party or parties that have a majority in Parliament, Gjorge Ivanov gave the mandate to VMRO-DPMNE, which violates the Constitution and provides a huge advantage for Nikola Gruevski to form a government, but the attempt was unsuccessful”, said the Democratic Union.

The party says that in the interests of stability, national, state and interests of the citizens, a government must be chosen that will ensure stability, rule of law and implement deep reforms.

“It is estimated that there is a majority and it is quite certain that the responsibility for the formation of a new government will be that of SDSM and other parties. Therefore all parties are expected to behave in a reasonable and responsible manner and for national interests”, say the party.