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Jihadists conquer Internet, can anyone stop them?

Along with actual gunfights in Paris and the counterterrorist actions that later followed in Germany, France and Belgium, in which several extremists were killed and arrested, a fierce military propaganda is led online by jihadists who control the territory of the Islamic State.
Extreme Islamists fighting in Iraq and Syria intensively use the Internet, social networks and sophisticated Internet techniques to spread propaganda to attract new members to its ranks, as well as to publish news related to their actions, which are complemented with images and videos.
In USA, among other things, British Prime Minister David Cameron also discussed the security of the Internet with President Barack Obama. In an interview with “ITV News”, Cameron said that he would ask Obama to increase the pressure on some websites as “Facebook” and “Twitter” to increase their cooperation with the intelligence services in tracking suspected terrorists.
Few days ago, Cameron said that the British intelligence services should have the legal power to break through the encrypted communications of suspected terrorists in order to prevent attacks like the one in Paris last week. He added that terrorists must be cut off by their “safe place” to communicate online.
Many Twitter profiles claiming to represent ISIS activated when the actions of jihadists started at the military fields in Iraq and Syria this summer. These profiles, which are updated frequently, sometimes report live events with pictures and videos, giving details of their operations, announce the number of executed murders, suicide missions, as well as information on the cities they control. Most of the profiles and hashtags used by supporters and proponents of ISIS on “Twitter” are in Arabic. Many of these Twitter profiles are suspended or deleted by the administrators of “Twitter”.
One of these profiles is @ Fajr991, which “Twitter” marked as “potentially harmful”, and some of the hashtags on which it is posted about ISIS are #Baghdad_is_liberated, #Iraq_is_ liberated and Islamic State written in Arabic. On “Twitter”, there is also a profile called “Prophet Muhammad”, which description states that the Islamic State remains and expands.
Some jihadists of IS also use the website called, which states that it is not an official website of ISIS, but previous achievements of terrorists through news, photos, videos and interviews are published there.
Several days ago, after the attack on the editorial office of the satirical magazine “Charlie Hebdo”, Anonymous hacker group announced its first victory in their intention to exclude extremist websites in order to avenge those killed in France. The first target of the anonymous hackers was French terrorist website, as part of their efforts to protect freedom of speech. If you now try to search for the name of the website, the Internet will redirect you to the search engine DuckDuckGo.