A new attempt today to coordinate the different positions of the electoral legislation

After a day off at the MP’s Clubhouse, today talks are expected to continue on the electoral legislation and electoral register.

As announced yesterday by the opposition, today they expect the European Unions representatives to submit a ready version of the election law, and then for the parties to talk.

Although the parties announced that most matters are now closed, they still can not agree on the issue of the Diaspora vote and on the way to vote in the State Election Commission (SEC)

So far, they have agreed that SEC should have greater responsibilities in public decision-making and appeals procedures which go on to the Administrative Court.

The opposition stated that the electoral roll will be completed and cleaned up in the field, and will be further examined by institutions co-coordinating their databases. They also said that the International Community said if they could not agree on the matter of the Diaspora vote, to exclude them from these upcoming elections.