MKD “Colourful Revolution”: It is time for a new uproar, outside the SPO!

“Colourful Revolution”: It is time for a new uproar, outside the SPO!

Demonstrators from the “Colourful Revolution” on their Facebook profile published a new call for protests tomorrow at 18:00 in front of the Special Prosecutor’s Office.

“Citizens, we invite you on Friday, 10th of June at 18:00 to gather for a massive protest in front of our fortress – The Special Prosecutor’s Office, to tell the authorities that we are counting and that our demands are uncompromising. Three days passed after Ivanov completely revoked all the pardons and since we precisely delivered our red lines and deadlines. The government is silent, the Constitutional Court is silent, law enforcement institutes are silent. Time for a new uproar, it is time to remind them that by June 18 the Constitutional Court must rule on the constitutionality of the SPO, and to make sure that justice will be protected, “reads the open invitation.

The last protest on Monday, demonstrators stated their conditions, and the deadline is on the 18th of June.

Despite two requests for the immediate release of detained protesters, and the indictment and a statement of the Constitutional Court on the constitutionality of the law on the SPO, they asked for:

•The resignation of the current government, the VMRO-DPMNE and the DUI and the formation of a technocratic government that will fully implement the urgent priority reforms from the Priebe report and create conditions for fair elections;
• The Establishment of a special unit within the Criminal Court, responsible for cases under the jurisdiction of the SPO;
• Mandatory inclusion and presence of independent representatives of civil societies and organizations in the process of resolving the crisis;
• The process of resolving the crisis to take place in the territory of the Republic of Macedonia;
• Ivanov’s Resignation as president of the Republic of Macedonia.