Chavkov: Police thoroughly investigates the explosion in Kumanovo

Interior Minister Mitko Chavkov today said that the police is thoroughly investigating the case of the explosion in Kumanovo today.

– The initial information is that investigative teams are on field, insignificant material damage was caused, but it is a crime that is very intense and will be thoroughly investigated to determine who the perpetrators were and what was their motive for it – said Chavkov.

The Minister said that the field investigative teams gathered additional materials for forensics and expressed hope that soon there will be other indicators and information that will be useful for the further course of the investigation.

This morning, at 4:29 am, an explosion echoed through the tunnel that connects the town square with a parking managed by a private company.

Answering a report’s question regarding reports of a possible escalation of the situation in Macedonia, Chavkov said all developments in the country will be closely followed and added that there are indicators of endangering the security situation not only in Macedonia, but also in other parts of the EU and beyond.

– Operational level remains increased since it is tourist season. I think we managed to maintain public safety at the appropriate level – said Chavkov.