Culture Bitola theatre prepares two new plays

Bitola theatre prepares two new plays

Bitola National Theater yesterday started preparing two plays. One is a drama, and the other is a comedy.

Andrej Cvetanovski, who prepares the play “Helver’s Night” by Polish playwright Ingmar Villqist, will have his director debut in BNT.

It will cast Sonja Mihajlovska and Marijan Gjorgievski.

Director Cvetanovski says this play is a modern Polish text that depicts a home and external influences on the individual from that home, i.e. how external pressures dismantle living in the home.

– This is a universal story about the relationship of society to man and man to society. The action takes place in Nazi Germany during the Second World War – says director Cvetanovski.

The premiere of “Helver’s Night” is expected to be in February next year.

At the same time, at one of the scenes of BNT, preparations for the play “Chicken” by author Nikolaj Koljada, directed by the actor known for his stand-up comedy, Marjan Gjorgievski, are made.

This play is Gjorgievski’s master’s thesis, for which, in his own style, he said “Let’s not say that I paid a lot of money to become a master.”