Barbed Wire fence on the border with Greece, if refugee crisis gets out of control

After Tuesday’s session with the Security Council, which lasted late into the night, they stated that they strongly condemn the terrorist attacks in Paris their deep and sincere condolences go out to the citizens of the Republic of France.

Regarding the threats of violent extremism and foreign terrorist fighters, it was concluded that the institutions regularly undertake measures and well informed on local and current issues.

The Security Services made a report on potential threats facing the region and the measures that our institutions can take, in collaboration with partner agencies, to prevent any threat.

In terms of the migrant crisis, the issue is handled by the most competent institutions in the country and completely comply with the law on crisis management.

The Security Council concluded that the Army of the Republic of Macedonia and the Control Committee should take all necessary measures in case of a change of the situation on the ground in terms of possible restrictions on the flow of migrants to other countries in Europe, to which they are referred to from here.

If other countries do not help with the flow of migrants, the Security Council concluded that the Army , as a last resort, will build barricades of barbed wire in places if deemed necessary.

The Security Council has ordered the Army to immediately begin all preparations and clear activities and to prepare the ground for an eventual and possible barbed wire fence.

The Security Council stresses that a fence would not be aimed at closing the border, but to channel and flow in of the number of migrants and will sent to other European countries to which they are directed.

“However, this step, which is currently only a possibility would be taken as a last resort, i.e only the countries to which migrants are heading significantly reduce their activities on the flow, the Republic of Macedonia will be placed in the difficult position when faced with the challenge of a longer stay of an uncontrolled number of migrants, which does not have the capacity and ability to provide humane treatment to so many,” said the statement from the Council.