Main Section Badinter in SEC?

Badinter in SEC?

Today SEC (State Election Committee) is expected to reach a full and final agreement on the composition and selection of its institution. According to our sources within the political parties, DUI’s proposal was perceived as acceptable and decisions are to be made by a majority of a Badinter system, by the newly elected State Election Commission.

It is already known that the main political parties have agreed upon the selection of members of the SEC and have accepted SDSM proposal, where the formula ‘three plus three plus three’ will be used. This formula is basically when the ruling party choose three members, the opposition choose another three, and three experts will be chosen by two thirds of Parliament.

Information which has come to light indicates that the negotiations have made very little progress over the question of compulsory registration of voters. VMRO-DPMNE have agreed to an active registration of voters, however, they have yet to announce their stance on whether it will be mandatory or not. This question among Albanian political parties also has not been decided, as the majority of their voters is made up of migrants working abroad, or locally known as ‘Gastarbeiters’.
Political parties are still far from resolving the issue of the diaspora, and their voting rights.

The debate of the Diaspora and their voting systems has not budged, while political parties stand firm in their points of view, which vary, making it extremely difficult for this issue to be resolved. VMRO-DPMNE prefers to keep the current system where the Diaspora vote in three constituencies, while the opposition SDSM believe that they receive the same rights as voters living in Macedonia.