At Idomeni 10,000 refugees are waiting to be allowed into Macedonia

More than 10,000 refugees are stranded in the camp at Idomeni waiting to be let through by Greece into Macedonia. The number is increasing daily, from 1,000 to 2,000 refugees. The closed gate on the Macedonian side has not discouraged refugees, who arrive in large numbers daily from the Greek islands, and from there make their way to Athens, and then Idomeni.
Conditions in the refugee camp are becoming more and more desperate from day to day. The growing number of people reduces food and medicine. The queues are a kilometre long for their daily sandwich. Many of them yesterday started knocking on doors and praying to the locals of Idomeni to help with little food and firewood. The whole camp is filled with small tents, families, small children, the elderly and young, who eagerly looked towards the Macedonian side of the fence, hoping that their conditions will change soon, and they can continue their path to some of the richer European countries. Refugees continue to insist daily that the Macedonian police open the gates and allow them to leave Greece.