MKD “Ajde”: The Constitutional judges killed the Constitution!

“Ajde”: The Constitutional judges killed the Constitution!

“The executioners of the constitutionality and sovereignty of citizens are known. Elena Gosheva, Nikola Ivanovski, Vladimir Stojanovski, Vangelina Markudova and Jovan Josifovski are the five “ledger-judges” who out of the public eye not only killed the Constitution, but have become direct accomplices in the crime and part of the gang in actual power.The Constitution of Macedonia died today! “Said a statement from the platform for civil politics “Ajde” who organized yesterday’s protest march called “Defend the Constitution from the Constitutional Court. ”

They require an irrevocable resignation of the five judges, who they call government servants, but also a vibrant and open response and action of the judges who did not vote for this shameful decision.

“We ask the Interior Ministry to immediately file criminal charges for the organizers of the counter protest at the Constitutional Court, and immediately sanction them and hold all officials accountable who allowed the constitutional right of citizens to protest peacefully yesterday by not removing the participants of the counter protest in time, from the place which was previously scheduled and duly reported for the protest organised by “Ajde.” And our citizens’ initiative will file charges and seek responsibility from all those who did not act in accordance with the Constitution and laws and who prevented tens of thousands of citizens to freely protest and hold a vigil in front of the Constitutional Court. We urge the international community to closely monitor developments, which are obviously leading to a deepening of the political crisis in the country, and that clearly shows that in Macedonia there are no conditions for free, fair and democratic elections on June 5, ” said the statement.

From the platform of civil politics “Ajde,” said their protests will not stop, and they will continue with their activities.