MKD Aivo Orav: Political parties need to return to the negotiating table

Aivo Orav: Political parties need to return to the negotiating table

Political parties should start be preparing for elections and the violence has to stop, said EU Ambassador Orav at the promotion of an EU funded project to strengthen the rule of law.
He hopes that political leaders will take full responsibility and will eventually begin to solve this deep political crisis.

“I want to call on all parties to avoid further escalating the crisis. Intentional provocation with a political objective is unacceptable, even though there is always a temptation that. If violence starts, it will be extremely difficult to stop and will go back years, at the cost of reforms and integration efforts of the country. Therefore, in the interest of the citizens and its Euro-Athletic process of integration, we call on political forces to return to the negotiating table because it will calm the situation and they can continue preparations for conducting credible elections “, said Orav.

He stressed the importance of the Special Prosecutor’s Office and the courts, and said they should continue to work to so justice will prevail and the rule of law. Regarding President Gjorge Ivanov’s decision to pardon politicians under investigation, Aivo Orav also said that it is a violation of law.