MKD Ahmeti: SDSM should respect the Przhino Agreement

Ahmeti: SDSM should respect the Przhino Agreement

SDSM should respect what was agreed at Przhino and agree to participate in the elections on April 24, urged the DUI leader Ali Ahmeti, through his Facebook profile. He calls upon the largest opposition party to remain committed to the implementation of the obligations of the Agreement.

“Together, we agreed that elections will be held on April 24. SDSM should not rush with important decisions concerning the future of the country. As I’ve already reminded everyone, the main and larger parties bear a great responsibility for the state and its citizens, that’s why they should act courageously and in accordance with the responsibility and the common good, and put aside their party interests.
Last summer, the four main political parties in the country took responsibility for resolving the deep political crisis, by brokering the Agreements of June / July, with the International Community as mediators. The parties agreed on the tasks which needed to be implemented and agreed on a date for early parliamentary elections, to put an end to the crisis. The date for early elections, April 24 was confirmed once again at the leaders’ meeting held on December 15, 2015, when we agreed on the election of members for the State Election Commission. The implementation of the agreement certainly had its challenges, but most of the obligations have already been implemented and realized, and we have also adopted an action plan for urgent reforms recommended by the European Commission. The implementation of which will continue after the elections”, wrote Ali Ahmeti.