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Additional preventive measures against corona virus introduced including a school break until the 25th of March for all schools, kindergartens, and universities in Macedonia

This morning the Commission of Infectious Diseases had a meeting during which additional measures were proposed against the coronavirus especially after the first case of local transmission when three people that had a contact with the people from Debar were positive, informs the Health Minister Venko Filipche.

-At the moment, there are seven patients hospitalized at the clinic to whom the disease has manifested in a lighter form i.e. there is no need of mechanical ventilation. The first patient is completely stable. A control material was sent today and we are waiting for results of the test. Upon Commission’s recommendations, a meeting of the managing committee took place and there are new measures that were proposed for the Government that were adopted at a session. The following preventive measures apply to all:

The educational process at all primary and elementary schools to stop in the next 14 days.
All of the employees at these institutions to be freed from obligations.
Each parent who has a child or children of age under 10 will be allowed to be absent from work in the next 14 days.
The educational process at all universities in Macedonia as well as science institutions will be stopped.
All public gatherings with over 1000 attendees, outdoors and indoors, in the next 14 days will be banned.
All sport events will occur without any spectators in the next 30 days.
Mandatory self-isolation for persons arriving from high-risk countries.
People with chronic diseases to rest more.
All travels to countries with a higher or middle risk to be avoided. A health locator card will be introduced for all airlines for all air travel companies.Until now, this was mandatory only for airplanes arriving from Northern Italy.

All bus lines and transportation with vans to high risk countries are cancelled.

Minister Filipche appealed to all parents to remain at home and not to visit playhouses as was the case when there was an epidemic of measles.

There is a recommendation to all state organs and local self governing organs including private companies for all pregnant women and people who have serious chronic medical conditions not to attend work.