A new Russian themed children’s playground emerged in the center of Skopje, North Macedonia

Фото: Мета.мк

A children’s playground with Russian thematic was built behind the Universal Hall at Skopje’s city center during the local election campaign in North Macedonia. The playground, where the children from the surrounding buildings are supposed to play, has a floor with the map of the Russian Federation and the name of the state Russia is written in Russian language. The Mayor of the municipality of Centar, Sasha Bogdanovik announced the building of the playground on Facebook toward the end of September this year, but he didn’t share any details about its theme.

During the past few days, a fence was placed at the playground, which has the names of the biggest Russian cities, along with the coat of arms of each city. Among the names of the cities, the city of Sevastopol is also placed, a city located in the peninsula of Crimea, that the Russian Federation annexed from Ukraine. There is a dispute between these two countries regarding this issue. On the other hand, as a NATO member country, North Macedonia, during the past period gave its support for Ukraine’s territorial integrity.

The municipality of Centar announced the building of this playground without any fanfares. On the 27th of September, Mayor Sasha Bogdanovik briefly announced on Facebook that the construction works at the children’s playground behind the Universal Hall are nearing toward the end.

“The playground will receive new props, floor, new greenery, including benches and garbage cans,” wrote Bogdanovik on his Facebook profile, without stating the playground’s future Russian outlook.

Otherwise, in 2020, only 50 meters from the children’s playground, the Russian Embassy in Skopje, in cooperation with the municipality of Centar, has built a memorial to honor the “Day of Victory over Fascism” and the 75th anniversary of the end of the WWII.