High Administrative Court of North Macedonia confirms Administrative Court’s decision about Ilovica-Shtuka mine, environmentalists announce mass protests

The High Аdministrative Court of North Macedonia rejected the appeals by the State Commission for Upper-degree Decisions in Administrative Matters and the Canadian company “Euromax Resources,” in the case of Ilovica-Shtuka mine as inadmissible. With this, it confirmed the decision of the Administrative Court and the case will return in the hands of the Upper-degree Commission.

The verdict for the decision of the High Аdministrative Court is that the Law on Administrative Disputes doesn’t allow an appeal when the administrative act has been annulled or has been declared as void, and the case has been returned for the state administration to decide again on it. In this case, with its decision, the Administrative Court has approved the Euromax Resources appeal and has annulled the decision of the Upper-degree Commission, which confirmed the cancellation of the company’s exploitation permit to open a mine.

The decision, as was reported by Meta.mk, was made on the 20th of November and was sent back to the Administrative Court, from where it has to be officially sent to both parties in this case.

There was an immediate reaction to Administrative Court’s decision by the “Zdrava kotlina” (Healthy Valley) NGO who are revolted by the decision that prevents this case to have an ending and will be sent again into a legal maze. They are announcing new protests that will last all year long.

“The High Administrative Court has made a final decision that will reject all appeals and the verdict of the Administrative Court will remain. With this verdict, the cancellation of Euromax Resources’ license for exploitation has been canceled and it was ordered the merging of the two concessions to be solved first and then it will be decided about the cancellation of the exploitation permit,” said Zdrava Kotlina NGO.

They stress that the cancellation of the exploitation permit will influence the decision for cancellation of the mining concession, and they consider that it will bring Euromax Resources back into the game for opening a “death mine” in this agricultural area. The activists demand a reaction both from the Government and the Ministry for Economy and are announcing that the civil unrest will be shown in the streets with massive protests.

“This turn of events, together with the signals we received from whistleblowers are indicating that the effects of powerful lobbyists that are taking part in a devious game that are damaging the interests of the citizens and the local community are becoming more evident. We cannot be safe and protected unless we fight for that on the streets. Therefore we are starting with plans and preparations for mass activities during the entire 2021. We are tired of political promises, behind the scenes decisions, and chameleon tactics. It is time to put an end to this once and for all. If it is necessary it can be a radical scenario with a terrible example that would serve as a warning to all in the future. Obviously, 2021 will be an explosive year when the people’s anger will pour on anyone that is asking for it,” stressed Zdrava kotlina NGO.