The new parliament of North Macedonia constituted

Извор на фотографија: Собрание на РСМ

With 116 votes in favor, none against or abstained, the mandates of 120 new MPs were verified today and North Macedonia got the new parliament.

In the Grand Dome Hall of the Parliament at noon, with the Macedonian national anthem, the first session of the new parliamentary composition started. Out of 120 MPs, 117 attended the session. It was presided by the outgoing President of the Parliament, Talat Xhaferi, and in line with the health protocols for prevention of COVID-19, the MPs wore face masks and kept a safe distance one from another.

Out of the 117 attendees, 116 voted in favor of the proposed daily agenda that was read by Xhaferi, none was against, and one vote was neutral. Since the hall lacks an electronic voting system, the MPs voted by using cards (green – yes, red – against and yellow – abstain).

The topics in the agenda were: the election of a president and members of the Parliament’s Verification Committee, verification of the new MPs’ mandates, and as a third and fourth topic, an election of a chairperson, deputy chairperson, members and deputies of the Committee on Election and Appointment Issues, and the fifth topic, election of the Parliament’s speaker.

Of all the debate topics for today, the MPs have managed to discuss only two – election of a Verification Commission and verification of the new MPs’ mandates when the session was stopped. For the last topic, the election of the new president of the Parliament, a debate wasn’t expected to start today since an agreement still hasn’t been reached between the parties which will form the majority to form a government. This process will officially start today.