Dimitrov: The country’s NATO accession should be over by April 2020

The Foreign Affairs Minister Nikola Dimitrov stated for Portalb.mk that Macedonia’s process for a fully fledged NATO membership should be over by April 2020 and that NATO cannot intervene in the Protocol’s process.

“Neither NATO nor our country have any authority and possibilities to interfere in this procedure” said Dimitrov.

The April deadline, as he explained, is based upon the PLan for the implementation of the accession process, prepared by NATO’s services and was to our country on the 1st of August 2018 and it contains the indicator or”the time frame for the accomplishment of the accession process”. According to tit, the fully fledged accession into NATO should be over by April 2020.

According to Dimitrov, regarding December 2019, when the NATO leaders meeting will take place in London where the 70th anniversary of the Alliance will be marked can be used to promoting the policies of the Alliance’s open doors, including the importance of our country;s accession into NATO.

“If one country fails with the ratification process and the process is accomplished next year, it has to be looked upon as a technical issue about our country which should be NATO’s 30th member” said Dimitrov.

Similar to Dimitrov, the December deadline was characterized by Defense Minister Shekjerinska as symbolic and that she described the fully fledged membership as a technical issue and a matter of time. She also doesn’t expect any obstacles in the protocol’s process on part of NATO’s member countries.

The number of countries which have verified North Macedonia’s NATO accession protocol is 22. Seven others remain to ratify it.