The session to remove Gruevski’s mandate will be held after June 7

Parliament Speaker, Talat Xhaferi at today’s meeting with journalists informed that the parliament session, on the removal of Nikola Gruevski’s mandate, will be held after June the 7th.

At the same session, a debate on the proposed new ministers is expected to be held, if such a proposal by the Prime Minister is submitted. According to Xhaferi, from a formal point of view, there are no obstacles for the two issues to be discussed at the same session.

In his statement to the media, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said that he does not intend to negotiate with MPs to secure a two-thirds majority to strip the parliamentary mandate of the former Prime Minister and current MP Nikola Gruevski, since lawmakers in this case should act only in accordance with the Constitution and law.

“For me, not only is it banal, but ridiculous to say that Gruevski was not given the right to come and register as justifiably absent. He can come at any time. I hope he does come, it would be best if he would come home. That is our goal, so he can register as justifiably absent”, said Zaev.