Rama and Meta have greeted the passing of the Law on the use of languages

Albania’s state leadership via social netweorks has greeted the passing of the Law on the use of languages in the Macedonian Parliament Државниот врв на Албанија денеска преку социјалните мрежи го поздрави усвојувањето на Законот за употреба на јазиците во македонското Собрание.

The Albanian Prime Minister, Edi Rama, wrote on Twitter that the passing of the Law on the use of language represents “a historical achievement for the Albanians that is democratizing and strengthening Macedonia.”

The President of Albania, Ilir Meta, who is on an official visit to Slovenia starting from today, on Facebook has stated that it is a significant act, not only for the Albanians but for Macedonia’s European future.

“Dear friends, I have just arrived at the airport in Ljubljana and I received the wonderful news that the Macedonian Parliament has passed the Law on the use of the Albanian language. It is a significant act not only for the Albanians but for Macedonia’s European future as well” wrote Meta.