Dimitrov and Kotzias didn’t have any talks about joint commission to go through the school books

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nikola Dimitrov and his Greek colleague, Nikos Kotzias, during the meeting in New York didn’t speak about forming fo a joint commission but a meeting of experts in history confirmed the MFA for Meta agency.

“What was discussed in New York between Dimitrov and Kotzias was towards an initiative on part of Macedonia dated from 2007 about a meeting between historians from both countries. During the meeting in New York, both parties agreed that an effort should be put in surpassing historical prejudices in the Balkans, in the interests of the cooperation and the joint European future. In this phase, both ministers have talked about a meeting of experts in history and not forming of a joint commission, where the process would refer to both sides” said MFA.

In an interview for the Greek state television ERT, Kotzias announced that he has agreed with Nikola Dimitrov to form a joint commission consisting of experts, that will remove irredentistic items in the school books and the geographic maps.

Kotzias has expressed a hope that by the end of November there shall be initial results from this commission’s work and as he said, “a blow will be given to irredentism and the maps with territorial pretensions.”