The opposition have filed a motion against Health Minister Nikola Todorov

“The parliamentary group of SDSM and its coalition parties filed a proposal for the dismissal of Nikola Todorov, the Minister of Health. We demand accountability from Nikola Todorov for all of the systemic problems and the overall chaos in our Health Care which resulted in tragic consequences for citizens and patients “, said Jagoda Shahpaska, a lawmaker from the opposition and the President of the Parliamentary Committee on Health.

“ In just two days, two pregnant women lost their lives, which is just unacceptable in the 21st Century. It directly shows that the Health System in Macedonia clearly does not function. Inappropriate and unprofessional management of the Health System, its resources, lack of a development strategy and investments took the most expensive toll; human life. The fact is that Nikola Todorov never should have been appointed Minister of Health. As the direct Executor of Policies Nikola Gruevski, he is responsible for the Macedonian Health System hitting rock bottom. Hospitals all across the country do not deserve the status of true protectors of citizens’ health. There is insufficient medical staff, inadequate equipment, and a lack of medical supplies. Citizens pay more and receive less and put up with deteriorating services”, said Ms Shahpaska.
According to her, Minister Todorov should step down. Because of the wrong policies he enforced, he potentially drove doctors away to leave the Public Health System for the private sector or to leave Macedonia.