MKD ZNM: Attacks over journalists are orchestrated and the institutions are complacent

ZNM: Attacks over journalists are orchestrated and the institutions are complacent

The Association of Journalists in Macedonia (ZNM) has registered in the last four years, more than 20 threats and physical attacks over journalists and media workers, of which half were registered in the first half of this year. Thus far no perpetrators have been identified or held responsible.

This was reported at a press conference today by Naser Selmani, President of ZNM.

-We want to express our concern for the rise in the use of violence against journalists, especially regarding the latest case where the owner of the news portal Dokaz was attacked. We call all relevant government bodies to find out the attackers and stop them. Their lack of response will only encourage future attacks. It is a matter of time when they will reach for someone’s life. We are convinced that these attacks are orchestrated to intimidate and demoralize journalists from writing reports critical of the government. We are also suspecting that the institutions are complacent with these acts because haven’t found out any single perpetrator to take him to court. The Government is responsible to create a safe working environment for journalists. We call on the President of the country George Ivanov, the President of the National Assembly Trajko Veljanovski and Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski to put a stop to the violence and to press for a quick discovery and sanctioning of the perpetrators- stated the President of ZNM.
Selmani said the Association will send letters to all international bodies in which Macedonia is a member, such as the UN, OSCE, as well to the EU and the Government of the United States. The letter will inform them that there is a policy of impunity regarding acts of violence against journalists. ZNM says they can’t exclude the possibility of requesting supervision from international organizations in the court cases and in the Public Prosecution’s dealing with acts of violence against journalists.

In his response to the question why he things the attacks are orchestrated, Selmani responded that none of the attacks had been resolved as to who had committed them and that not long ago, a deputy Prime Minister had attacked a journalist and that no one, not even the Prime Minister, has asked for his accountability.

-Imagine what kind of message is sent when a Vice Premier attacks a journalist- said Selmani.