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Žbogar: Luck is on the side of the brave people, but we have to be patient and see what happens

The European Union sees the goodwill on both sides regarding the solving of the name dispute between Greece and Macedonia, said the Europ Ambassador Samuel Žbogar in the interview for “TV 24” and said that the improved atmosphere will ease the dealing with this sensitive issue.

-I understand the emotions around this issue, including the worries and the frustration about this dispute. But, you have to ask yourself, the way this was dealt in the past, did it make the country better? Did it progress the state? If the answer is “No” then now at least is the opportunity to try to solve the problem. It is a chance because among the member countries there is an excitement that maybe we can move this country forward because we see engagement and readiness on part of Greece, we see a better atmosphere, and we see this window next year when there will not be any elections, and maybe this will help to concentrate on this issue – said Žbogar for TV 24.

In the interview, the Euro-Ambassador stressed that it is always good to be an optimist than being depressed and to say there is nothing you can do. In the context of that, he said that the Government looks ready to engage in talks regardless if there are no guarantees they will be successful.

-Luck is on the side of the brave people, so I think we should be patient and to see. So far, we had one meeting, and we will have to wait to see what will come out of that – said Žbogar.