Zaev: The MOI, the Prosecution and the Court should push the investigation into the ID cards to the end

The government through its own media are trying to distort the facts in the case of the forged identity cards, said SDSM leader Zoran Zaev, when asked about the case.

“At one point they mentioned and emphasized that these ID cards are not meant for the use for election, but today they blame the opposition for this case. You need to distinguish which ID cards are fictitious and which ones were reported to”Fokus” and handed over to the Ministry of Interior for an open an investigation”, said Zaev.

According to the opposition leader, his dilemma in this case is why has a whole year and a half has gone by, and why are we waiting until after the elections to open an investigation into the fake IDs.

“SDSM expects the MOI, the Public Prosecution and the Court to go all the way with the investigation to determine who and why would falsify these ID cards”, said Zaev.

Public Prosecution Skopje this weekend said that when dealing with the subject of counterfeit ID cards that were handed to the journalist from “Fokus” Ljubisa Arsic, to the Interior Minister, a workshop was found where forged documents were being made.

“In conducting investigative actions during yesterdays successful operation on the orders of the Public Prosecutor, which found the secret workshop where documents were being counterfeited. Voluminous materials were found long with equipment and apparatus used for the manufacture of counterfeit identity cards and other documents. The material found was confiscated and is subject to further analysis and research. For this event three people were detained, but there are clues that others are involved for committing other crimes, ” announced the Public Prosecution.

They say that with more information on this case will decide in the coming days.