MKD Zaev has until midday to report to the competent judge

Zaev has until midday to report to the competent judge

Court in Strumica gave SDSM leader Zoran Zaev to report to a competent judge until noon, and if he does not, then a notification to the Basic Court Skopje 1 will be sent, which would then have to determine a new measure, reports “Plusinfo“.

– Defendant Zaev should report until 9:30 am, but the judge in the previous procedure makes tolerance until noon, considering the possibility for the defendant to have traveled somewhere or had objective reasons for the delay. If he does not report until then, we will send a written notice to the Basic Court Skopje 1. The court which ordered the measure will determine following actions – said Judge Cona Kalamernikova, who is responsible for communication with the media in the Strumica Court.

Written notification is sent by mail, so it cannot be specified when it will come to Skopje. Skopje Court explained that until they don’t receive notification, they cannot tell how they will proceed.

At a press conference, Zaev said that he won’t appear in court, nor come to the scheduled hearings because he doesn’t recognize the judiciary as an independent power because, according to him, it is under the full control of Nikola Gruevski and his family.