Zaev has called for a leaders’ meeting

During the press conference that took place today, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev has called upon the political leaders for a leaders’ meeting this Friday at the MPs club starting from 14h.

He sent a message to VMRO-DPMNE’s leader Hristijan Mickoski, DUI’s Ali Ahmeti and the Aliance of the Albanians’ Zijadin Sela.

At the meeting, as was stated by Zaev, there will be talks about the new Election Code and Election model, the Law on Public Prosecution i.e. the solution for SPO’s status and the census.

Zaev said that the time until October is very short when it is expected the country to be given a date for starting the negotiations and therefore it is necessary for the parties to unite around important political issues so let there be no arguments that what is asked from us hasn’t been met. This might cause a delay in the negotiations start and the opening of the chapters.

Regarding the issue of the early parliamentary elections that are demanded by the opposition, Zaev said that the ruling party remains firm on its stance for organizing regular parliamentary elections for December next year.