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Zadorozhniuk: Nazism is not glorified in Ukraine, we lost over 8 million people in WWII

Амбасадорката на Украина во Скопје, Наталија Задорожњук; Фото: Амбасада на Украина во Скопје

Ukraine in the period between 1939 and 1945, in WWII, lost over 8 million people and it has no reasons to glorify the Nazism, says the Ukrainian ambassador in North Macedonia, Natalia Zadorozhniuk after the protest on the 20th of January in front of the Ukrainian embassy in Skopje, held with the slogan “Objecting the glorification of the nazism in Ukraine!”.

The Embassy of Ukraine in Skopje says that they would like to take the opportunity – after the protest – to say that actually Russia wages a war against Ukraine on all fronts, including the information segment.

“In today’s world, the information is one of the most powerful assets in a fight. So, during the Russian – Ukrainian war, the escalation of the security situation instigated by Russia, with its “insane” claims to the West, Kremlin actively wages hybrid information agression – spreading disinformation and forgeries, waging information war against Ukraine,” states the ambassador of Ukraine, Zadorozhniuk, in her text, “The Truth Always Wins”, sent to

The ambassador writes that the old and favorite topic of the Russian propaganda, which has been cynically abused and pushed to the top, is to represent the Ukrainians as Nazis.

Zadorozhniuk reminds that prior WWII, between 4 and 7 million Ukrainians died from the Holodomor (Famine) in the years 1932-33, under the brutal totalitarian regime of Stalin.

“Hundreds of thousands were anihiliated by the “Great Terror” – namely, the Stalinist repression. And because of that, the Independence movement in Ukraine arose. The world war started in September 1939, one week after the plot of the two dictators, the signing of the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact“, writes the Ukrainian ambassador.

During WWII, around 7 million Ukrainians fought in the Soviet army, and less than half of them survived. In the Polish army there were 112 000 Ukrainians, in the US army up to 80 000 Ukrainians, and on the British and the Canadian side about 45 000 of them, with additional 6 000 fighting for France.

The atrocities of the Stalinist regime in Ukraine have been glorified in modern-day Russia, and the country built its hysterical anti-Ukraine campaign on the premise “Who ever is not with us is Nazi,” ambassador Natalia Zadorozhniuk writes.

“In Russia, since the beginning of the aggression on Ukraine, claims appeared that the cause of their invasion, first in the Crimea and then in the east of the country, was the “coup d’état” and as a result of the “Neo-Nazi regime”. Non-acceptance of an unfavorable position for Moscow, not allowing other to choose own path. is a state policy of Russia,“ states the ambassador of Ukraine.

“If the Ukrainians do not want to live like the Russians and choose a different path for the development of their country and heroically defend their country from Russian aggression – this is Neo-Nazism in the understanding of Moscow,’ she writes.

The ambassador of Ukraine adds that since the Russian invasion in Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea, 14 000 people lost their lives, 2 million people were forced to flee from their homes, and the material and moral damages to Ukraine are unfathomable. Zadorozhniuk comments in the text that exactly those things are manifestations of the Nazism in the heart of Europe in the 21st century.

She reminds us of the savage methods for fight against the opponents – killing the opposition activists in the centre of the capital, poisoning people with polonium, ordering explosions in other countries, shooting down the passenger airliner Boeing 777 in the vicinity of Donetsk (killing 298 people), and many others.

“In spite of all the atrocities that Russia has launched against humanity, Moscow is trying to convince the world of danger coming from Ukraine. So, we, the Ukrainians and our country are the most dangerous threat for Russia, since the free, independent, democratic Ukraine, which obeys the pan-European values is a penalty for the totalitarian Russian regime,“ the Ukrainian ambassador to Skopje concludes.