Correspondents Wild waste dump is poisoning the people of Tetovo

Wild waste dump is poisoning the people of Tetovo

The people of Tetovo living near the waste dump where garbage has congested the city, react that in the evening fire can be seen as the landfill of waste is being set on fire. They point out that it spreads smoke across the city, which contributes to the air pollution which is already extremely bad.

“It’s been set alight, sometimes when I pass by the site, you can see it burning at night and you can hardly breathe in the air”, said an elderly resident of the city.

The social networks, groups and citizens share photos of the wild dump showing the burning garbage on fire.

The Public Communal Service – Tetovo (PCS) says sometimes at night they set alight waste, but not at the location of illegal landfill where garbage overwhelmed, but near by.

Therefore announcing solving the problem of landfill, which, according to them, will be past after the plan of the PCS Tetovo will build an indoor facility where you can transport municipal waste.

Air pollution in Tetovo is still at high levels. To improve this situation, PCS Tetovo began to wash the urban boulevards with calcium magnesium acetate. It is still unclear if the announced measures against air pollution are for a special traffic regime or a full introduction of parking zones, however, they have not yet been implemented.