Main Section What will the Vienna meeting bring? Will it secure elections on June...

What will the Vienna meeting bring? Will it secure elections on June 5 or another postponement?

Following President Gjorge Ivanov decision to pardon a large number of politicians, sparking mass protests, the International Community has taken a decisive step to calm the situation. The latest information is that on Friday in Vienna the leaders of the four biggest parties in Macedonia are due to come together and meet.

The announcement of the meeting comes after a stand off of views between the two main Macedonian political parties. The SDSM claims that will not participate in elections because they do not believe that there are conditions for free and fair elections, while VMRO-DPMNE are adamant that citizens on June 5 must decide who will lead them into the future.

Whether the announcement of this meeting is to put pressure on the opposition to participate in the elections, which would secure June 5 as the date on which the elections will be held, or is it about something else? Could it be that they are planning to delay elections, or is it the withdrawal of the pardon decision, or restoring the situation to how it was before the Przhino Agreement , or is their a possibility of a new “Vienna Agreement” … All in all, all cards are on the table, and therefore open to all possibilities.

The parties are now silent in response to whether they’ll accept the invitation and will attend the meeting, no matter where they take place.