World Balkans Volunteers leaving Idomeni refugee camp?

Volunteers leaving Idomeni refugee camp?

Conditions at Idomeni continue to deteriorate. Rain and more bad weather are like salt to open wound, especially following yesterday’s announcement that voluntary organizations and the UNHCR were pulling out from the camp. Once again tents are sinking into the mud from recent rains, and refugees are being left in the cold while voluntary organizations withdraw, it is feared that the refugees will remain despite no donations of food and water.

Up till now the NGO’s have provided two to three times a day, sandwiches and bottles of water for the refugees, but if the NGO’s leave, the refugees will be left on their own, or will be forced to buy food from local farmers, vendors and even retailers, including some among the residents of the refugee camp.

At Idomeni, vans still arrive from bakeries, farmers with vegetables and fruits from surrounding local villages, there is also a canteen with standard Greek prices the refugees can buy food, water, juice and biscuits.

According to an analyst and human rights activist Suad Misini, Macedonian volunteers have left the camp.

“There can be two reasons for the withdrawal of the volunteers from Idomeni, Firstly, they have no more money, and secondly, is that the withdrawal is in protest against the decision to send refugees back to Turkey” said Mesini.

Mesini reported volunteers at the reception centre in Gevgelija have remained behind to help the refugees, and would not back down.