VMRO-DPMNE: Zaev wants to defocus the public from the real issues

Within their legal and constitutional responsibilities, institutions should determine all the facts and circumstances, as well as motives and goals of the inspirers, supporters and perpetrators of this scenario, reads the reaction of VMRO-DPMNE for today’s press conference of SDSM and the party leader Zoran Zaev.

VMRO-DPMNE invited Zaev to submit the materials for which he claims indicate a possible illegal conduct of any person to the competent authorities for further action and the legal finish in a transparent and legal procedure.

“Zaev only continues to sink and is full with contradictions and nonsense. He want to make the entire Macedonian public, including his party colleagues, to be kept captive and the public to be under blackmail and be defocused from real issues and needs of citizens. Zaev has an obvious, transparent and superficial intention – to present himself as a victim in a situation when he is nothing but a puppet, which works and acts for foreign interests,” reads the reaction of VMRO-DPMNE.