MKD VMRO-DPMNE: The citizens are suffocating while Shilegov and SDSM couldn’t care less

VMRO-DPMNE: The citizens are suffocating while Shilegov and SDSM couldn’t care less

Skopje is suffocating, and Petre Shilegov and SDS’ government couldn’t care less. The level of pollution in the last few days has reached unseen heights, said VMRO-DPMNE’s press release.

“While the citizens are suffocating everyday in the polluted and the hazardous air, for Petre Shilegov this looks like a reality show. Until two months ago, the very same Shilegov in his fight for the votes of the people in Skopje he was promising clean air and a non hazardous environment. The same issue he is seeing it throught he prism of a real show. The central power who has been controlling all of the institutions for the past 7 months isn’t taking over anything in the direction towards the improvement of the air quality. On the contrary, the air quality is dropping down, the pollution is enormous and the citizens are victims of SDS’ irresponsible politics” said the party.

According to VMRO-DPMNE, the citizens are victims of SDSM’s irresponsible politics and that they are paying the price of the government’s irresponsibility with their health.

The opposition is pleading to the government and the city of Skopje to take urgent measures for the protection of the citizens.