MKD VMRO-DPMNE: Connecting the murders at Smiljkovsko Lake with the work of the...

VMRO-DPMNE: Connecting the murders at Smiljkovsko Lake with the work of the MOI is necrophilia

The opposition VMRO-DPMNE accused the Minister of Interior, Oliver Spasovski and SDSM that today’s briefing by the MOI, where invoices were presented, bills and data for the expenditure of the directors of the Administration for Security and Counterintelligence (UBK), the Public Safety Bureau (BJB) and VMRO-DPMNE ministers, that when in power, “were dealing with last year’s snow”.

“SDS has been trying to link Nikola Mladenov’s tragic traffic accident as necrophilia, the terrible murders at Smiljkovsko Lake, and the events in Divo Naselje with operative work of the services and their contacts with foreign visitors, delegations and collaborators. SDS’s manipulation of the lowest level is an attempt to deceive the public that MOI officials were squandering funds. Two years ago, i.e. when SDS came into power, the MOI cooperated with numerous services that gave exceptional results recognized internationally, as well”, said the response.

The party told Spasovski not to defocus the public, but, instead, to start dealing with real problems, pointing out that the residents of Ljuboten are expecting an answer regarding who vandalized the orthodox cemeteries.