Main Section VMRO-DPMNE and DUI with counter-arguments regarding the Law on Languages at Parliament

VMRO-DPMNE and DUI with counter-arguments regarding the Law on Languages at Parliament

At the second prolongation of the constitutive session, the MPs, like yesterday, instead of discussing the first point from the election of members and a president of the Commission of elections and appointment issues, most part of the debate was spent on discussions about the platform of the Albanian parties and for the use of the Law of the languages.

Artan Grubi of DUI said that the Albanian platform doesn’t go into the country’s unitarian character, it doesn’t instigate cantonization and federalization and that DUI doesn’t strive for dividing the country.

Ilija Dimovski of VMRO-DPMNE stressed that the problem is that the MPs aren’t well acquainted with the content of the Law on Languages.

DUI MP, Dzevad Ademi, emphasized that the problem with the negotiations between VMRO-DPMNE and DUI was the Special Prosecutor’s Office and not the Law on Languages.

“The problem was the extention of SPO’s deadline for filing charges, and that was said by all party leaders from DUI. The Law on Languages wasn’t an issue nor the president of Parliament”,  said Ademi, who called on MPs to vote for a president of Parliament and not waste any more time.

Antonio Miloshoski of VMRO-DPMNE stressed that it is not correct to skip the third point from the session’s agenda, for the election of members and a president of the Commission for Elections and Appointments and to start another.

“No one can prevent the Commission for Elections and Appointments to propose a candidate for a president of the Parliament. The debate and the arguments are more important than speeding up”, said Miloshoski.

MP Ferid Muhic addressed VMRO-DPMNE’s MPs and told them they have no right to say they love the people more than the others and that all MPs were elected by the people.