Main Section Vajgl: I hope that VMRO-DPMNE will decide to take part in the...

Vajgl: I hope that VMRO-DPMNE will decide to take part in the Jean Monnet process

The Jean Monnet process is not a continuation of the Przino Agreement and no decisions will be taken out of the competence of the parliament or any other Macedonian institution, said for Meta, the European Parliament’s rapporteur for Macedonia, MEP, Ivo Vajgl when he commented the VMRO-DPMNE’s stance that they are against the decision for leading the dialogue for key issues abroad and out of the Macedonian institutions.

-During my recent visit to Skopje, I was several times – also in the meetings with highest representatives of the VMRO in the Sobranie, explaining what is the project Dialog Jean Monet all about. It is one or more meetings between the members of parliamentary groups of Sobranie with the members of the European Parliament, some representatives of European Commission (Commissioner J.Hahn) and some experts-said Vajgl.

The MEP reminds that the dialogue will start at the premises of the founding fathers of the EU and that all meetings will be without a media presence.

– I wish that VMRO will attend and have its decision soon. – said Vajgl.